Founded in 1995, St Philips Care is dedicated to providing excellent care, whether it be nursing or social needs. We have specialised units for those who may be more vulnerable in our society.
The St Philips Care Group now comprises 32 homes across the UK. As a vibrant, forward-thinking company, our Operations Team are all experienced Managers with a care/nursing background. Our philosophy is to build stronger relationships with residents, their families and friends as well as health and social care workers, commissioners and local communities.
It is our policy to modernise, refurbish and introduce new additions to each home we acquire, bringing to all, the high standards of facilities we demand. All our homes have plans in progress to introduce new adaptations and enhancements. Whether our homes are purpose designed, or historic country houses which have been at the heart of local communities for decades, the safety, comfort and wellbeing of our residents is paramount in our development programme. Inside our homes we pay great attention to the opinion of our residents, to ensure, the choice of our interior design create a warm and welcoming environment.
Through our administrative, financial and operational headquarters in Wolverhampton, we ensure that the St Philips standards are consistently achieved, maintained and audited across the entire group by means of Home monitoring Tool, Regional Manager Quality visits, internal homes audits and customer care surveys. We ensure our staff receive up to date training, whether it be in-house or by an external provider. Dignity and customer care training continues to be high on our agenda.
As we continue to strive for success we have won a prestigious award for being the “most outstanding” in the UK. In an era of financial astringency, sliding care standards and societal opposition to nursing and care homes St Philips Care has swum against an outgoing tide to lift standards, source investment, raise brand awareness and create warm, welcoming and nurturing homes. St Philips Care is the lighthouse to a generation,” said Esmonde Crawley Editor of Over 50s Housing journals
Our Quality Rating
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspect and regulate our care homes in England.
Each of our home’s individual summary ratings can be found on their own page in the ‘Care Homes’ tab with a link to see the whole report on the CQC website.
The Care Inspectorate inspect and regulate our care homes in Scotland.
Our Jersey homes are regulated by the Jersey Care Commission.