Situated at the heart of the town centre of Dalbeattie, Alma McFadyen is a residential care home with a long history of providing services to older people in the town and the surrounding areas.
Originally the home and surgery of the town’s GP Alma – as it was known then – was first opened as a care home in 1965 by the Abbeyfield Society. Twenty years later a will bequest left by local businesswoman Madge McFadyen paid for a modern extension to the back of the building and the home became known as Alma McFadyen. The 20 bedded home is now a well furnished and attractively decorated home with a range of modern facilities designed to ensure the health and safety of residents.
There are regular activities such as bingo, dominoes, card making and quizzes as well as day trips and a variety of entertainment provided by visiting musicians.
Whenever possible we enjoy celebrating birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions, such as Burns Night, with friends and families and our active Relatives Committee.